Construction progress of Vientiane (Laos) international airport terminal expansion project in November 2017

By the end of November 2017, at the International passenger terminal West (IPTB West), in addition to the indoor items which were handed-over, the front roof was completed and handed-over to the Investor. At present, the Contractor is continuing to construct outdoor items such as concrete drains, curbs, interlocking tiles and auxiliary. As expectation, these items will be completed in December 2017 to inspect and hand-over on January 15, 2018.

At the International passenger terminal East (IPTB East), finishing works of brickwork and plastering, tiling, gypsum ceiling and partition, painting … are being implemented. In order to ensure the delivery schedule of the (IPTB East) on January 31, 2018, all work items will be completed and accepted in December 2017.

At the International Concourse, erection of gypsum ceiling and partition, aluminum glass wall and glass handrail is also being urgently implemented to hand-over and put into use in time on December 31, 2017.

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